
59 pages 1 hour read

Ann M. Martin

Rain Reign

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2018

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Teacher Introduction

Rain Reign

  • Genre: Fiction; middle-grade contemporary
  • Originally Published: 2014
  • Reading Level/Interest: Lexile 720L; grades 5-8
  • Structure/Length: 49 chapters and author’s note; approximately 256 pages; approximately 4 hours, 7 minutes on audio
  • Protagonist/Central Conflict: Rain Reign introduces Rose Howard, a fifth grader with autism who finds solace and order in her structured routines and her skill with homonyms. The central conflict revolves around Rose's deep attachment to her dog, Rain (a homonym of "reign"), and the challenges she faces when Rain goes missing during a hurricane. As Rose searches for Rain, she learns more about emotions, relationships, and the power of love and resilience. The story explores ideas about neurodiversity, empathy, and the importance of understanding and acceptance.
  • Potential Sensitivity Issues: Autism; loss; bullying; abuse; family dynamics

Ann M. Martin, Author

  • Bio: Born in 1955; American author known for her prolific contributions to children's literature; created The Baby-Sitters Club series; received critical acclaim for Rain Reign’s portrayal of a neurodivergent protagonist; often emphasizes the importance of friendship, empathy, and personal growth in her stories
  • Other Works: The Baby-Sitters Club series (1986-present); Slam Book (1987); A Corner of the Universe (2002); A Dog's Life: The Autobiography of a Stray (2005); Main Street Series (2007-2011); Ten Rules for Living With My Sister (2011)
  • Awards: Schneider Family Book Award (2015); several “Best Books of the Year” designations including Publishers Weekly, Kirkus Reviews, and School Library Journal

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